1058 UV Nail Spa was opened in Mar 2017. And we are trying our best to rank our higher on Google and be more visible by the internet users. Thus, we get more business. And we honestly need all of you nice people to lend help and spend 1 minute of your time to write a review for us on Google or Yelp or like, share and follow us on Facebook. And we will be very appreciated.

The Importance of Reviews on Google, Yelp and Facebook
Nowadays, social media signals play more and more important roles on Google search rankings. As of May 2017, about 10-15% of Google ranking factors are contributed by social media signals.
How to Write a Review on Google
First of all, you need to have a gmail account and log in it. click the link below and the rest will be self-explanatory.
Review Us on Google
How to Write a Review on Yelp
First of all, you need to have a yelp account and log in it. click the link below and the rest will be self-explanatory.
Review Us on Yelp
How to Like, Share and Follow Us on Facebook
This is as easy a piece of pie, even an elementary school student knows how to do it. Therefore, there is no need to explain. And our Facebook page link is below, all you need to do is to click those buttons:
And thank you very much for your time, we will work our best to become one of the very top nail salon in Manhattan, NYC.